Monday, April 4, 2016

My Three Day Trip to D.C.

Hi, let me tell you about my trip to D.C. It started out as a long drive. I was texting my new friend for awhile and I started to get car sick. My Dramamine was in the trunk (I think) so I couldn't take some so we had to take an exit so we could go get me some more at the Travel Mart. So I took some and was on the road again! A couple of hours later, we were at the hotel. My dad was still driving from N.Y (He had to work that day and me and my mom, my sister and my brother came up from Kentucky). We got double rooms but we had to wait one night for the second room because was being rented. The next day, my dad came. We were so excited to see him!!!!! Then after that, we went to the bus stop across the street, we got on the bus, then we got to the Metro Station, we got our cards, and we got on the Metro. It was a long ride and had to make a lot of stops, but we finally, we got to D.C!! We had to do a lot of walking just to go to the zoo! We saw, pandas, elephants, otters, seals, black bears, wolves, and other animals!!! Then we rode a carousal that had a whole bunch of animals that you can ride on. I rode a tiger and my sister rode a panda. Then, we got back on the Metro, then we got on the bus, and got back to the hotel, then we had Macaroni Grill for dinner. The next day was all for museums. Again, we got on the bus, then we got on the Metro, then we walked around D.C. We went to the Air And Space Museum where me and my sister went on a jet simulator were one person flies and the other person shoots. Me and my sister went on. My sister was the pilot and I was the gunner. WE WERE SCREAMING OUR HEADS OFF WHEN WE GOT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad was a bit mad because we were the only ones screaming! But I paid the price for it, I didn't puke, but I felt like it!!! We also went to the National History Museum. We saw mammals, my mom, my sister and me went to see the insects, while my brother and my dad went to see the rocks and minerals. So we went and saw live spiders, beetles and bugs! But they were behind glass. We also went to one or two more museums. Then we went back to the hotel and had dinner (I can't remember what we had). The next day we went to Mount Vernon (George Washington's birthplace)! It was so cool!!! We also went to dinner at Cracker Barrel with my Grandma and Grandpa!!! Then we went back to the hotel and went to sleep because the next day the four of us (me, my sister, my mom and my brother) will have to separate from my dad because he has to go to work in N.Y. So the next day we got on the road. On the way back home, we went to Luray Caverns!!! It was HUGE, and cool!!!! Howes Caverns is much smaller. So, we got some souvenirs, and were on the road again. When we were finally home, we were excited to be home. Then we went to sleep.   
  That was my trip to D.C!                                                                                                    

Monday, May 12, 2014

My favorite movies

My  favorite  movies  are:
  1. The  Narnia  series
  2. The  Lord  of  the  Rings  Trilogy
  3. (And)The  Brady  Bunch
Well, that's  it  for  now.

Name:           Date:           Age:             Time:
Georgia.        5/12/2014.    8.                5:03.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

My favorite books

My  favorite  books  are:
  1. The  Holy  Bible
  2. A  Wrinkle  in  Time
  3. Little  House  in  the  Big  Woods
  4. Farmer  Boy
  5. Little    House  on  the  Prairie
  6. On  the  Banks  of  Plum  Creek
  7. By  the  Shores  of  Silver  Lake
  8. The  Greatest  Batman  Stories  Ever  Told
  9. Young  Justice
  10. Oh, Bother... Oh, Sister
  11. Calvin  and  Hobbes
Well,  those  are  "My  favorite  books".
Name:            Date:            Age:
Georgia.          4/26/2014.        8.

I  have  more  favorite  books,  but  I  don't  remember  them.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

My favorite songs

My  favorite  songs  are:
  1. Wild  Boys
  2. Save  A   Prayer
  3. A  View  To  A   Kill
  4. Killer  Queen
  5. Bicycle  Race
Those  are  my  favorite  songs.
Name:          Age:            Date:
Georgia.         8.            4/19/2014.
P.S.  Tomorrow   is  Easter!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Being 8

Being  8  is  fun.  I  am  turning  9  this  year  in  August.  This  is  so  cool, I  get  to  ride  in  the  front  seat  for  the  first  time  ever!(when  I  am  9.)
You  know, the title  is  "Being  8"  not  "Being  9."
Well,  Bye.

Name:  Georgia  S.

Age:  8.


Monday, March 31, 2014

Emma loves to read

Emma  loves  to  read  because  she  just  likes  to  read.(well  that's  what  she  says  so.)   Here  is  a  poem  about  it:

My sister likes to read
Very, very much.
She'll read every book
She gets in her clutch.

Well  that's  the  poem.
 Well,  that's  it,  bye!

Georgia.  Age  8.  3/31/2014.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My mom and dad

My  mom  and  dad  are  very  sweet  and  kind.   And  I  helped  mom  make  dinner  on  3/25/2014.   I  love  my  mom  and  dad,    and  they  love  me.   Here  is   how  they  are:
  1. loving
  2. caring
  3. working
Well  that  is  it,   Bye.

                     THE   END                           

Name:   Georgia S.
Age:   8.

P.S.  I  love  my  bother  and  sister.