Monday, March 31, 2014

Emma loves to read

Emma  loves  to  read  because  she  just  likes  to  read.(well  that's  what  she  says  so.)   Here  is  a  poem  about  it:

My sister likes to read
Very, very much.
She'll read every book
She gets in her clutch.

Well  that's  the  poem.
 Well,  that's  it,  bye!

Georgia.  Age  8.  3/31/2014.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My mom and dad

My  mom  and  dad  are  very  sweet  and  kind.   And  I  helped  mom  make  dinner  on  3/25/2014.   I  love  my  mom  and  dad,    and  they  love  me.   Here  is   how  they  are:
  1. loving
  2. caring
  3. working
Well  that  is  it,   Bye.

                     THE   END                           

Name:   Georgia S.
Age:   8.

P.S.  I  love  my  bother  and  sister.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My family

I  love  my  family  because  they  love  me  and  because  they  are  my  family.  I  have  a kind  mom  and  dad  and  a  kind  bother  and  sister.  Sometimes  we  get  into fights  that  go  on  for  a long  time, but  don't  worry,  we  make  it  out  ok.                                                                 

Well   that  is  it, bye.

Georgia  S.  age  8    3/25/2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

Emma and Remmington

Emma  and  Remmington  are  my  bother  and  sister. 
  Here  are  the  ways  they  are  kind...

  1. they  play  with  me
  2. they  share  with  me
  3. they   love  me
  4. they  are  kind  to  me
  5. they  care  for  me
One  time  I   fell  of  my  bike  and  I   screamed  and  I  got  a  big  cut  on  my  knee  and  Emma  and  Remmington  came  to  help!   That  is  why  I  love  them  the  most.

                                                   THE  END

By  Georgia  age  8  P.S.
                                          I  love  them.        3/21/2014.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My mom and dad

My  mom  and  dad  are  always  loving  and  kind  to  me.
And  I  am  kind  and  loving  to  them.    Here  are  the  things  they
  1. cook
  2. help  me  on  my  work
  3. dad  even  pulled  out  my  tooth  today

My  mom  pulled  3  of  my  teeth.

Well,  that  is  my  mom  and   dad.

  By  Georgia,  age 8, soon  to  be 9,   3/18/2014.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Kentucky  is  a  wonderful  place.   We   will    live   there some day.    We  are  in  N.Y  packing,

  1. DVDs
  2. TOYs
  3. BOOKs
We  are  as  busy  as bees  making  honey.   We  will  be  in   Kentucky  soon, I  am  sure  about  it.


                     THE  END

        3/17/2014.   P.S,
                                I  love  Kentucky.    
                                                                 THE  END.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Aurora, the cute puppy

Aurora is the most adorable, most cutest puppy ever(although Thunder is cute too).
Aurora is just a little puppy, but she will be bigger soon enough.   Here are the ways she is cute:
  1. She plays chase around the house
  2. She climbs inside her crate on the walls and doors
  3. And she makes us laugh
I never thought she would be so funny. 
                                                         THE END

By Georgia.   Age 8.   3/14/2014